Physiological changes in a woman’s life, such as childbirth, weight fluctuations and hormonal changes due to aging and menopause, can lead to various conditions that may have a negative effect on a woman’s quality of life, self-confidence, and sexuality
FemiLift™ is a non-invasive laser treatment that effectively improves a wide range of feminine wellness issues. The technology uses a CO2 laser to deliver fractionated light and thermal energy to assist in vaginal mucosa revitalization. It's lasting benefits improve quality of life and deeply enhance woman's self-esteem.
FemiLift™ Laser treatment is:
Clinically Proven
Safe & Fast
Highly Effective Results
Minimally Invasive
Virtually Pain-Free
No Downtime
Hygienic Single-use probe
FemiLift™ procedures are performed only at our
Staten Island office.
Please call our office at 718.273.5500 to make an appointment for a consultation.
Over time, especially after childbirth, vaginal tissue can overstretch, creating a feeling of looseness (laxity) and reduced sensitivity in the vaginal area. This can lead to decreased satisfaction during sexual intercourse. FemiLift™ tones and rebuilds the collagen of the vaginal walls, enhances the sensitivity of the vaginal receptors and contracts existing vaginal tissue, increasing vaginal tightness and improving sexual satisfaction
SUI is an extremely common and distressing condition that affects many women. It involves involuntary leakage of urine in response to increased intra-abdominal pressure such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, heavy lifting, and physical activity. By stimulating collagen renewal FemiLift™ increases the thickness of the vaginal wall and provides better support to the urethra. The result is a significant reductionin SUI symptoms and improved control of urination.
Dryness and recurrent vaginal infections are treated through the rejuvenation of the vulvo-vaginal tissue, which improves vaginal lubrication and normalizes vaginal pH and flora. FemiLift™ utilizes laser treatments to enhance the local immune system response and help eliminate chronic vaginal infections.
Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) is becoming an increasing concern for women worldwide. The shift in hormones that occurs with menopause can cause the lining of the vagina to become thinner, drier, less elastic, and inflamed. FemiLift™ rejuvenates the vaginal lining, increases the thickness of the vaginal walls and restores natural lubrication. The treatment reduces uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, burning and friction and helps improve sexual function.
Childbirth involves many physiological changes to a woman’s body. Post-delivery, the vaginal area may feel stretched and dry and the pelvic floor may be weakened. FemiLift™ rehabilitates the entire vaginal area by reinforcing and toning vaginal tissue, restoring its strength and flexibility.